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Choosing the Healthiest Cooking Oils {Infographic}

There are so many cooking oil options on the grocery store shelves! It's confusing! I'm here to take the guess out of what to buy because some oils are healthier than others. You also want to match the correct oil with the cooking method you're using so you don't exceed the smoking point, which degrades the oil and makes it less healthy.

I Do Not Recommend Vegetable Oils

Common types of vegetable oils include palm, soybean, sunflower, safflower, corn, cottonseed, and canola oil. Generic 'vegetable oil' is typically made from a blend of several types of these plants.


  • Inexpensive

  • Long shelf life

  • Minimum flavor


  • Heavily processed and refined.

  • They're unstable, meaning when they're exposed to chemicals in the refining process, they're stripped of their antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Often made from genetically modified (GMO) plants, especially soy, corn, and canola. GMO foods destroy the fragile bacteria in your microbiome, which is detrimental to health.

  • May be partially hydrogenated, which contains trans fats. These highly processed fats increase the risk of heart disease and weight gain.

  • High in omega-6 fats which fuel the body's inflammatory pathways, and also reduces availability of omega-3 fats (the good fats), and this results in more inflammation.

I Do Recommend These Healthy Fats and Oils

Here are the Pros, Cons, and Uses, including the smoke points, for avocado oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, and ghee. What type of cooking oil do you like to use?

With Love,



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Jan 21
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you! Super informative & in a short concise way.


Kelly Harrington, MS, RD


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